A type of balance in interior design is finding the same balance of symmetry on both sides, and nothing more.

This is certainly an option when balancing the interior space. All three are used to create balance in the interior space.
Here are 7 types of balance in interior design
1. Symmetrical Balance Type
Symmetrical balance is formal balance, occurring when the subject is mirrored exactly on opposite sides.
Symmetrical balance is known to be used in more traditional design styles. In many cases, this type of symmetry is also known to be rather bland.
2. Asymmetrical Balance Type
Asymmetrical balance is that both sides of the center line are equal and similar to the other side.
The Asymmetrical Balance type requires a little more creativity to achieve and usually produces a more interesting feeling in a space by turning things from side to side.
This can be done using many design elements. For example, two small objects might balance one large object.
Asymmetrical balance, when used in interior environments, also creates a feeling of space, activity and contemporary style.
3. Radial Balance Type
Radial Balance Types is an interior space that radiates from the center of space in all design elements
Example The radial type can be as simple as a chair surrounding a round table. However, it can also be used in more complex ways.
Radial balance really complicates the designer. relying on it is limitless when using this type of balance.
While it is important for a designer to know how to apply this type of balance using individual uses, it is often important for all of them. In fact, combining different types of balance creates an interesting look.
Related - 5 Principles of Formal Balance Interior Design
4. Types of Rhythmic Balance
A type of Rhythmic balance is an interior that moves freely throughout the environment the flow from one design element to the next
There are three methods for achieving rhythm in interior design: Repetition, Transition, and Progression (Also known as Gradation).
Using this method will create rhythm through continuity and interest. This is also an important principle because, without flow, a room will often seem uncomfortable to design.
This is of course something to avoid. Managing rhythm carefully in a space can make all the difference in the world.
5. Repetition Type
The type of balance Repetition creates a repetitive rhythm with design elements throughout the space.
These design elements include, but are not limited to: Fabric, Pattern, Color, Texture, Line, Light or Shape. By repeating these design elements over and over again, designers can create flow throughout the interior environment by bringing together parts from other areas of the space.
6. Transitional Type
The Transitional Scales type is a bit more complicated, but still fairly easy to accomplish. Transitions are used by applying objects that flow continuously across space.
This type is most often used as a strong line or other form of architectural feature or piece of furniture. Some examples include: Stair railings, curtains, dining tables, countertops, etc. This rhythmic form usually plays a role in architectural scenes.
7. Progress Type
Types of Balance Progress is a fairly simple element of the rhythm principle. It can be implemented with gradations of colors, sizes, shapes, etc.
This type not only adds rhythm to a space, but can also create a deep impression if used in a certain way. Nested tables of different sizes are a great example of development.
For example, a small table, a medium table, and a large table Progress is a great way to add a unique touch to a space.