In addition to your credit score, the total income you report on your credit card application can be an important factor in the American Express Business Platinum Card Requirements and the amount of your credit limit. When you fill out a business card application, you will enter your business revenue and total revenue.
Requirements For American Express Business Platinum Card
Your company can be a corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship and also US Residents who are at least 18 years of age with business income can try the Business Platinum Card from American Express.
As required by federal law, you must apply using an EIN if you are a corporation or partnership.
You must enter your business and personal details including annual income, contact information, and the industry and size of the business.
In most cases, American Express Business Platinum makes a decision within 30 seconds of submitting your application.
Related - American Express Business Platinum credit limit
2 Requirements to create an American Express Business Platinum Card
1. Credit Score 740
You'll have the best chance of getting Amex Business Platinum approval if you have a personal credit score of at least 740. Since this is a premium card, you'll need a good to very good credit score.
However, you may be approved with a score as low as 700. Your chances of getting approved are better if you have a higher annual income or a current relationship with an American Express business.
Even though this is a business card, American Express businesses still use your personal credit score to reach application decisions. In addition, skipping monthly payments can have a negative impact on your credit score.
2. At least 18 years old
American Express only requires you to be at least 18 years old to apply for a Business Platinum Card from American Express.
However, you must be at least 21 years of age to enjoy the full benefits of this card. This is because airport lounge partners may require you to be at least 21 years old to enter certain lounge locations.
Being a few years older also allows you to create a credit history, which increases your chances of approval.